Presentations from the American Modelica Conference 2018
- Conference Website: American Modelica Conference 2018, October 9-10 Samberg Conference Center, Cambridge, MA, USA)
- Date and Venue: October 9-10, Samberg Conference Center, Cambridge, MA, USA
- Facilitated through: Modelica Association and Linköping University
- Organized by the North American Modelica Users Group, NAMUG
- Github repository compiled by Luigi Vanfretti, assisted by Manuel Navarro Catalán and Giuseppe Laera.
- Link to conference proceedings: here
User Presentations
- Evaluation of the impact of post-combustion CO2 capture on power plant performance: Dynamic model of a 725 MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Plant with a CO2 post-combustion capture unit
- Baligh El Hefni and Eric Joos (EDF)
- Presentation: (here)
- OpenModelica API for Accessing Modelica Models From Julia
- Bernt Lie, Arunkumar Palanisamy, Alachew Mengist, Lena Buffoni, Martin Sjölund, Adeel Asghar, Adrian Pop and Peter Fritzson (University of Sout-Eastern Norway)
- Presentation: (here)
- Single Pipe Design for Integrated Community Energy Systems
- Ryan Rogers and Vickram Lakhian (McMaster University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Modeling Integrated Community Energy and Harvesting Systems from Databases using OpenModelica
- James LeMoine, Vick Lakhian and Jim Cotton (McMaster University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Modeling and Control of the IRIS IPWR in a HighRenewables Grid Using TRANSFORM
- Richard Bisson and Jamie Coble (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
- Presentation: (here)
- An Industrial Model Based Development Systems Engineering Strategy
- Trevor Bailey, Larry Biegler, John Cassidy, Bryan Eisenhower,
Degang Fu, Clas A. Jacobson, Carl Laird, Kevin Otto,
Kristian Tuszynski, J. Åkesson (Modelon Inc. and CCS)
- Presentation: (here)
- Single Pipe Design for Integrated Community Energy Systems
- Ryan Rogers and James Cotton (McMaster University)
- Presentation: pending.
- Using SystemModeler and Modelica to Rapidly Build and Verify Hardware Control Systems
- Neil Singer and Kenneth Pasch (AC Kinetics)
- Presentation: (here)
- Mathematica Notebook: (here)
- Modelica models: (here)
Full Paper Presentations
- Coalesced Gas Turbine and Power System Modeling and Simulation using Modelica
- Miguel Aguilera, Luigi Vanfretti, Francisco Gómez and Tetiana Bogodorova (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modelica models: (here)
- Analysing the stability of an Islanded hydro-electric power system
- Dietmar Winkler (University of South-Eastern Norway)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Exergy Analysis of Thermo-Fluid Energy Conversion Systems in Model-Based Design Environment
- Daniel Bender (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modelica library for the systems engineering of railway brakes
- Marc Ehret (German Aero Space Center (DLR))
- Presentation: pending.
- Paper: (here)
- Molten Salt–Fueled Nuclear Reactor Model for Licensing and Safeguards Investigations
- Scott Greenwood (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- A Method to Import an FMU to a Hardware Description Language
- Min Zhang (Synopsys, Inc.)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- The Deployable Structures Library
- Cory Rupp and Laura Schweizer (ATA Engineering, Inc.)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modelica-Based Dynamic Modeling of a Solar-Powered Ground Source Heat Pump System: A Preliminary Case Study
- Defeng Qian and Zheng O’Neill (The University of Alabama)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Control Description Language
- Michael Wetter, Milica Grahovac and Jianjun Hu (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Hybridisation and splitting of a crank angle resolved internal combustion engine model using a mean value intake for real-time performance
- Xiaoran Han, Alessandro Picarelli, Mike Dempsey and Romain Gillot (Claytex Services Limited)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modeling of PMU-Based Islanded Operation Controls for Power Distribution Networks using Modelica and OpenIPSL
- Biswarup Mukherjee and Luigi Vanfretti (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modelica models: (here)
- Investigation of fuel reduction potential of a capacity controlled HVAC system for buses using virtual test drives
- Christian Kaiser, Sebastian Meise, Wilhelm Tegethoff and Jürgen Köhler
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Component-Based 3D Modeling of Dynamic Systems
- Andrea Neumayr and Martin Otter (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
- Presentation: pending.
- Paper: (here)
- ModestPy: An Open-Source Python Tool for Parameter Estimation in Functional Mock-up Units
- Krzysztof Arendt, Muhyiddine Jradi, Michael Wetter and Christian Veje (Center for Energy Informatics, University of Southern Denmark)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- A Modelica Library for Thin-Layer Drying of Agricultural Products
- Augusto Souza, Brian Steward and Carl Bern (Iowa State University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modelica language – a promising tool for publishing and sharing biomedical models
- Jiří Kofránek, Filip Ježek and Marek Mateják (Charles University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- A Safe Regression Test Selection Technique for Modelica
- Niklas Fors, Jon Sten, Markus Olsson and Filip Stenström (Lund University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- A Modelica Library for Spacecraft Thermal Analysis
- Tobias Posielek (German Aerospace Center (DLR))
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Drilling Library: A Modelica library for the simulation of well construction
- Reza Dadfar, Stéphane Velut, Per-Ola Larsson, Mathias Strandberg, Håkan Runvik, Johan Windahl, Pål Kittilsen, John-Morten Godhavn and Åsmund Hjulstad
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Dirt Late Model Race Car Simulations with Dymola / Modelica
- Nate Horn (Claytex USA Inc)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: pending.
- The OpenModelica Integrated Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization Environment
- Adrian Pop (Linköping University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Functional Mock-up Interface: An empirical survey identifies research challenges and current barriers
- Geral Schweiger (Graz University of Technology)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Modelica On The Web
- Tamas Kecskes, Patrik Meijer, Janos Sztipanovits, Peter Fritzson, Adrian Pop and Arunkumar Palanisamy (Vanderbilt University and Linköping University)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Development and Implementation of a Flexible Model Architecture for Hybrid-Electric Aircraft
- John Batteh, Jesse Gohl, Michael Sielemann, Peter Sundstrom, Ivar Torstensson, Natesa MacRae and Patrick Zdunich (Modelon Inc. and National Reserach Council Canada)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Fast Calculation of Refrigerant Properties in Vapor Compression Cycles Using Spline-Based Table Look-Up Method (SBTL)
- Lixiang Li, Jesse Gohl, John Batteh, Christopher Greiner and Kai Wang (Modelon Inc. and Ford Motor Company)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Developing a Framework for Modeling Underwater Vehicles in Modelica
- Shashank Swaminathan and Srikanth Saripalli (Texas A&M University and Frank W. Olin College of Engineering)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- On Closure Relations for Dynamic Vapor Compression Cycle Models
- Christopher Laughman and Hongtao Qiao (MERL)
- Presentation: (here)
- Paper: (here)
- Virtual Commissioning and Dynamic Systems Modeling of Complex Systems Using Modelica and ControlBuild Co-simulation
- Behnam Afsharpoya, Damien Marchand and Franck Corbier (Dassault Systemes)
- Presentation: pending.
- Paper: pending.
Link to conference proceedings: here
- Title: Proceedings of the 1st American Modelica Conference
- Editors: Michael Tiller, Hubertus Tummescheit, and Luigi Vanfretti
- Conference Location: Cambridge, MA, USA
- Date: October 9-10, 2018
- ISBN: 978-91-7685-148-7
- Series: Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings No. 154
- ISSN: 1650-3686
- eISSN: 1650-3740
- DOI: 10.3384/ecp18154
Permission for use of any presentation has to be obtained from the respective presentation authors.
License for this repository:

Presentations of the American Modelica Conference 2018 by Luigi Vanfretti (Editor) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://modelica.org/events/modelica2018Americas.